Hellas Gold: Social investments of € 1.45 million in 2022 via 137 projects and actions





Hellas Gold: Social investments of € 1.45 million in 2022 via 137 projects and actions

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€ 1.1 million exclusively in the Municipality of Aristotelis

True to its commitment to implementing responsible, multi-faceted mining activity, Hellas Gold continues to support the local community of the Municipality of Aristotelis each year via its corporate responsibility strategy and procedures which it has developed in cooperation and ongoing dialogue with its local partners.

To that end, in 2022 the company made social investments worth a total of € 1.45 million to implement a total of 137 Corporate Responsibility projects and actions , focusing on the following strategic priorities: education, the environment, health and sport, community development, the arts and culture. 75% of that amount (€ 1.1 million) was invested exclusively in actions and projects within the boundaries of the Municipality of Aristotelis.

Some of the most important actions per strategic priority are listed below:

  • Local community development: Emphasis on quality of life and day-to-day life

    Prioritising support for and improving the quality of life of residents of the Municipality, Hellas Gold implemented a range of infrastructure projects such as renovating the buildings at the community office and community clinic at Olympias, repairs to the OAED building at Stratoni and completing renovations of sports facilities at the campsite at Megali Panagia Monastery.  The total cost of these projects exceeded € 140,000.

  • Education: Investing in the next generation

    At the same time, Hellas Gold is systematically investing in educating the next generation in the Municipality of Aristotelis through actions which in 2022 cost more than € 150,000.. More specifically, it ran a competition to offer a full three-year scholarship at Anatolia College in Thessaloniki. The competition was won by student from Arnea. It also continued its successful robotics and STEM programme for local school pupils for the 5th consecutive year in partnership with Eduact.

  • Environment: Support for the Municipality's cleaning and green works

    The actions to support and equip the Municipality of Aristotelis are also noteworthy, the most important being donating a new garbage truck (€ 158,000), building materials (€ 80,000) and two four-wheel drive vehicles (€ 49,600), and cleaning the Municipality's beaches before the tourist season (€37,000).

It is also worth noting that a large number of smaller measures were implemented in the strategic areas of sport and the arts, with the company supporting almost all remarkable cultural and sporting events held within the boundaries of the Municipality of Aristotelis.

Ongoing, frank and transparent dialogue with all stakeholders

At the same time, over the past year Hellas Gold has continued to promote ongoing, frank and transparent dialogue with all its social partners. To that end, it prepared the Environmental and Social Impact Study, a comprehensive and in-depth survey of the environmental and social parameters of the Kassandra Mines development project, by engaging in an extensive consultation process unprecedented by Greek standards, which gave everyone the opportunity to learn about the project and actively participate.

In addition, in an effort to expand its direct channels of communication with its social partners, Hellas Gold has set up a Public Information Centre at the Neohori Community Office which serves a hub for personal contact with all stakeholders. It is also worth noting that during 2023 the centre will be relocated to a new permanent office in the Paleohori area, and will also extend to the Grievance Mechanism, an initiative focused on transparency which was launched for the first time in 2022 and which gives anyone interested the opportunity to raises issues of concern with the company relating to its activities. Grievances can either be named or anonymous.

These actions complement the extensive work carried out over the past decade in the area with total investments exceeding € 26 million. It is worth noting that as part of the New Investment Agreement, Hellas Gold has undertaken to implement landmark investments of $ 80 million for social welfare and local development projects, in cooperation with the local community, in an innovative and ambitious social investment programme which will bolster the development of the area and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

About Hellas Gold

Hellas Gold is a gold, silver, lead and zinc mining company with its head offices in Athens. Between 2003 and the present day it has been developing and operating the Kassandra Mines in NE Halkidiki in a responsible, safe manner under the strictest environmental terms and condition which include: the Skouries project, the Olympias mine, the Kokkinolakkas dry stacking area and the Stratoni port facilities. Continuing the area’s 2,500 year long mining history, Hellas Gold is investing in the sustainable development of the Kassandra Mines, boosting economic growth and contributing to the prosperity of the local community by investing more than $1 billion, employing 1,600 people, actively supporting local suppliers and making major investments in initiatives and projects to support the local community. Since 2012 it has been a subsidiary of Eldorado Gold Corporation, a Canadian mining company with 25 years of experience in prospecting and the development and operation of mines around the world.

For more information:, Director, Corporate Affairs & Communications, Greece, Eldorado Gold, 214-6870000, 


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