The Life Cycle of Mines


From exploration through to post-mining

It can take decades to develop a deposit into a mine, which in turn can operate for decades. Responsible and sustainable mining underpins our approach to environmental, economic and social sustainability, and the sustainability of the mine and its products. At Hellas Gold, we respect the history of the Kassandra Mines and we use responsible extracting methods in consideration of sustainable development for all.

Stages and characteristics



Geological surveys

Geological surveys involve complex and time-consuming procedures conducted in phases, including geochemical, geophysical and drilling operations. The main objective of a geological survey is to identify new deposits and increase reserves for already known deposits.  We aim to sustainably manage the mineral wealth of Halkidiki. The geological survey department at Hellas Gold is staffed with expert geologists, and integrates both conventional and more advanced technologies at various stages of exploration. 



Development and planning

The identification of deposits does not always lead to production, since determining whether to execute a prospective investment requires in-depth research and analysis. The feasibility study of the project starts as soon as geological surveys suggest that there is evidence of mineralization. With these potential deposits as their basis, feasibility studies evaluate the technical, legal and financial sustainability of the project’s development. 

Oftentimes, during this feasibility stage, additional surveys are continuing; these may lead to adaptations in the evaluation of the geological and metal deposits.  

The next stage is the design and development of the mine and the environmental evaluation and licensing procedures. This stage, which often runs in parallel with the completion of the feasibility studies and the ongoing geological survey, involves all the aspects of construction, commissioning, operation and mine closure, including environmental rehabilitation. 




Once a mining project obtains the required permits, the capital and the support of the stakeholders, construction can begin. Pre-construction works are necessary to ensure next-stage operations, including earthworks and the construction of haul roads.  As soon as the construction site is opened, access works, facilities and other structures are raised. 

Construction works can also continue during the life cycle of a mine, if an approval for extending operations is requested. In this case, the construction of an extension may start immediately and run concurrently with mining operations. 




Production includes extracting and enriching minerals, transporting products for sale and managing left-over materials.  

During production, stringent measures are taken for minimizing and managing potential impacts on the environment. 

In this context, we have designed and integrated one of the most comprehensive environmental monitoring programs in Europe, which tracks air, soil and water quality, noise, seismicity and ecology, as a proactive measure for potential environmental impacts. 

Moreover, in conformance with the sustainable development standards, we follow internationally recognized environmental management practices, such as dry-stack tailings management and backfilling, a method for repurposing tailings materials for filling the underground mining areas where operations have been completed. 



Closure and reclamation

Parallel reclamation, i.e. rehabilitating land alongside mining activities, is a crucial element of the planning phase and the mining operations.

At the Kassandra Mines, this is carried out in two ways:

  1. We restore land that hosted open pit operations as soon as these are closed, and alongside underground operations.
  2. We clean and rehabilitate areas impacted by past mining operations. At Olympias, for example, we have removed 3 million tons of metal left-over materials dating back to earlier decades and previous owners, when advanced reclamation technologies were not yet available.

The next day

Alongside the completion of mining operations, we ensure parallel reclamation and rehabilitation of the wider area surrounding the Kassandra Mines and its return to the local community.

In our 2021 study titled “Perspectives of post-mine landscapes at the Kassandra Mines in Halkidiki”, we propose post-mining land use that integrates the environmental requirements of the surrounding area including Stratoni, Skouries and Olympias, embedding a broader sustainability strategy plan. We propose initiatives for illuminating this land’s rich background by showcasing its archeology, the natural environment and the century-long history of the area’s mines.

Together with our host communities and the support of the state, we forge a legacy of enduring values extending far beyond our mines’ lifespan.