Prevention and Response


Innovation for greater safety

Safe operations provide the foundation for our decisions. We therefore design and invest in initiatives and technologies that enhance our safety-ready approach, upgrade our infrastructure and foster a culture of safety in the workplace. By integrating advanced technologies and investing in state-of-the-art and innovative systems, we contribute to the smooth operation and development of our company. 

To protect our workforce we take a series of measures:

On a collective level:

On a collective level:

they are designed to restrict or isolate risks such as natural obstacles.  

On an individual level:

On an individual level:

they involve using the appropriate personal protective equipment for the health and safety of employees. 

On a structure-based or administrative level:

On a structure-based or administrative level:

they include reducing the duration of exposure to risk, such as rotating employees in groups, establishing timetables and providing safety signs. 

10 Golden Rules for Health & Safety

We apply these 10 Golden Rules across all aspects of our operations. Every person entering an Eldorado site – employees, contractors, visitors or otherwise – is required to carry a copy of the Golden Rules Health & Safety Handbook. They outline all the crucial checks and mandatory protective measures required during the execution of works. 

Τα μεταλλεία Κασσάνδρας στο μέλλον.

Advanced technologies and applications

The Underground Digital System for Mine Safety

We invest in technology for enhancing safety in our underground mining areas. The Underground Digital System for Mine Safety is central to our operations. In compliance with the Golden Rules for Safety of our company, all employees in the mine wear the Safety Beacon which is part of their Personal Protective Equipment. The readers installed in specific areas of the mine (entrances, underground ramps and tunnels, passages, adits, cross-sections) detect and transmit miner device signals to the control room, enabling live tracking and visibility. This ensures that the Control Room monitors the miners’ locations in real time to protect their personal safety. 

Campus network at a depth of 300m

We are the first company in Greece that has installed an underground 4G network at a depth of 300m. This complex project ensures quick communication between the underground staff and the vehicle and equipment operators with the Control Room. It also enables the development of new features and technologies that enhance safety, such as remote extracting, remote-controlled loading, vehicle telematics and ventilation on demand. 

We invest in technology for enhancing safety in our mining operations.   

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Monitoring occupational risk factors

The Health & Safety Department at Hellas Gold focuses on effective decision-making and corrective actions, often going beyond the minimum regulatory requirements. For example, we have developed an innovative system for recording and analyzing physicochemical parameters, such as toxic gases, oxygen sufficiency and temperature-humidity, in real time. These measurements are inserted in a comprehensive Canary Gas Focus database. This way, we sufficiently investigate and prevent potential risks caused by exposure to the industrial environment.


We foster a culture of safety

As part of our initiatives in Health & Safety, we offer training to our employees and partner contractors, to help them grow their skills and execute their duties safely. 

We foster responsibility in our workforce by providing training in areas such as safety, health, technical topics, fire safety, emergencies, the environment and energy. An integral part of our training is offering awareness around identifying and evaluating occupational risks, to support employees not only during work at the company, but also outside their workplace. Our Training Department is responsible for designing the structure of our learning programs, taking into account national legislation and international standards, and fostering a culture of digital and life-long learning. 

We have also developed a training program for Rescue Teams and Incident Response Teams assisted by leading-edge technology: the FLAIM Trainer system. FLAIM Trainer uses Virtual Reality to ensure quick response to accidents or fire incidents, inside and around mines. 

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Sustainability Integrated Management System

Our commitment to upgrade Occupational Health & Safety is also guided by the Sustainability Integrated Management System (SIMS) standards, which have been designed by our parent company, Eldorado Gold, in conformance with the highest international standards and govern our daily operations. 

We invest in the continuous training of our workforce to foster productive and safe workplaces. To this end, we have developed an internal training system which supports training and learning activities and focuses on the areas of safety, the environment and administration. 


Preparedness and effective response

In consideration of the challenges and difficulties faced by our underground mining workforce, Hellas Gold has created Voluntary Rescue Teams and Incident Response Teams staffed by our employees. They are dedicated to ensuring safety during emergencies, either in underground or surface mining operations. 

We have equipped these teams with the latest technology and tools and we continue to provide training for ensuring preparedness, prevention and timely response to potential emergencies. 

Incident Reporting and Investigation

Safety incidents are communicated to all sites of Eldorado Gold globally and are investigated with the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM), which focuses on identifying their root causes.