Parallel Rehabilitation


We rehabilitate and upgrade the natural environment

Parallel and progressive rehabilitation and reclamation of the natural environment is essential to the development of our projects:

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When a mine is closed, reclamation and rehabilitation are undertaken to restore disturbed land: this is the principle of parallel rehabilitation.

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The entire area surrounding the site is also restored to reclaim the footprint caused by older mining operations (Olympias is an example of successful rehabilitation).

Additional environmental best practices we use for rehabilitation include:

  • Progressive hydroseeding over areas that are closed. Hydroseeding is a mix of water, seeds and mulch. The mixture is sprayed over the target area by special equipment. It is mainly used for slopes, to prevent erosion and implant herbaceous vegetation.

  • Collection of green waste by the Municipality of Aristotle for shredding: we work with local communities to collect and transport composting green/vegetative waste from the Municipality of Aristotle properly licensed facilities. We then produce wood crushed materials, which are repurposed as soil additive in the rehabilitation of historical stockpiles and tailings disposal areas at our Olympias mine.

  • Shredding of logging residues: at Skouries, we use the residues from logging after the area has been cut and shredded as soil additives, so that we can mix them with the topsoil for future needs of restoration projects.


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The importance of rehabilitation for the environment

Environmental rehabilitation helps conserve biodiversity, restore the soil and recover the ecosystem. It creates opportunities for jobs and income, and underpins sustainability and social well-being.