GHG Emissions & Climate Change


Targeting 30% mitigation of GHG emissions by 2030

Hellas Gold leads the way on Climate Change action. Our parent company, Eldorado Gold, has set an initial target to mitigate 30% of the company’s 2020 GHG emissions by 2030. The development of this target and Eldorado’s wider Strategy on Climate Change exemplify our commitment to put our values into action. It showcases our proactive approach to managing energy consumption, reducing our carbon footprint and becoming better.


Climate change and creating value

Energy and climate change are essential to our business, our communities, governments and investors. To continue developing sustainable mining and creating value for all, we must work through challenges and identify the opportunities presented by climate change. Over the last two years, the head and the members of our operating teams worked together to analyze the opportunities pertaining to the management of energy and GHG emissions, and explored new, innovative and sustainable methods for re-inventing the operation of our business.



Our commitments into action

We record, analyze and collect data from 6 stations monitoring the emissions of different gases (CO, CO2, NO2, NO, SO2, H2S, CH4 and VOC), and we produce technical reports, implement projects and study the installation and operation of renewable energy (RES) units as an integral part of our efforts to reduce our environmental footprint. 

More actions on reducing GHG emissions

Hellas Gold uses a corporate system for the management and mitigation of GHG emissions, including energy supply with low carbon content. The strategies for reducing potential GHG emissions include:

Optimizing water management at the mine. 

Upgrading the performance of the equipment used for processing ore.

Replacing lighting with LED technology. 

Use of battery electric vehicles.  

Supply of low-carbon electricity.

Producing renewable energy inside and outside the facilities to reduce the supply of carbon intensive energy.