Biodiversity Management


Conserving biodiversity

The Halkidiki peninsula is rich in biodiversity, providing a home for an array of endemic, rare and specially protected plants, animals and habitats. In the area surrounding the Project, there are protected conservation areas, all located outside the facilities. 

Hellas Gold has systematically monitored the area’s biodiversity since 2010, with help from experts, including botanists, ornithologists, zoologists, chiropterologists and entomologists. 

We systematically implement a series of actions for the conservation of biodiversity with a focus on the management of endemic and non-endemic flora and fauna. We have also installed an Environmental Monitoring system for supporting the study of sea life. As part of our Biodiversity Management Plan, we run an ecosystem study every 3 years. 


Protecting the local flora and fauna

We record and preserve the important plants of the area. Invasive species are also recorded, and we take measures to prevent their spread. 

Our actions for the management of fauna include protecting wildlife inside our mine facilities, installation of bird-deflectors on new power lines and constructing artificial bat and bird roosts in the wider and outside area of the project. 

Reclamation is already underway in historical mining sites. These operations involve reintroducing pre-mining vegetation. Particular emphasis is placed on transporting and storing excavated soil to reuse during reclamation. 

Information & awareness

  • We provide updates and awareness to our employees, continuously training our scientific and technical staff to enhance their knowledge on environmental topics.
  • Our learning activities on the area's biodiversity are available to all employees and contractors.
  • We minimize the impact of artificial lighting on nocturnal species.

