Processing of Personal Data in Third-Party Reports

Processing of Personal Data in Third-Party Reports

I, the undersigned, declare that I have been informed of and understand the following: (a) For the purposes of this Reporting Mechanism, the company "Hellas Gold Single Member S.A." ("the Company") processes my personal data included in this document (indicatively: name-surname, age, gender, contact details, address information, status, any personal data included in the description of the incident, etc.), as well as any other information necessary for the management of the Report I submit. Furthermore, the Company may process contact details of a relative/acquaintance of mine, which I provide with that person’s knowledge, as well as data of third parties that may be included in my Report; (b) The processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the Company's legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR), namely its compliance with its Policies regarding social responsibility; (c) The personal data filled out on the standard page (form) on the Company's website becomes accessible to the provider of its hosting services. In all other respects, that data will not be transferred to any third party, unless deemed necessary for the handling of my Report; (d) Personal data is deleted upon the completion of the investigation of my Report and, consequently, the resolution of the complaints/issues described therein.  The retention period is extended if the personal data is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of a legal claim; (e) Data Subjects can exercise, in accordance with the Company's Policies, the rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, and objection to processing by contacting the Company's Data Protection Officer at the email address: Exercising the right to object may make it difficult or impossible to manage my Report; (f) If I believe that the Company does not adequately respond to my requests or that the processing of my personal data violates the applicable regulatory framework, I retain the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (postal address: 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, GR-11523, Athens, tel.: +30 210 6475600, email: