

We strive for a sustainable future

Sustainability drives every step we take over the entire life cycle of our mines and across every aspect of our business. This is reflected in the relationships we build with local communities, and our focus on implementing socially and environmentally responsible practices. 

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We prioritize the safety of people, society, and nature.

Our approach to responsible and sustainable mining is holistic and built upon 4 main pillars: Safe, inclusive and innovative operations; Responsibly produced products; Engaged and prosperous communities; and Healthy Environments now and for the future. 

Find out more about our Sustainability Strategy

Mining Life Cycle

From exploration through to mine closure and environmental reclamation, the mining life cycle may take up to several decades. Our responsible and sustainable mining life cycle consists of 5 main stages and considers sustainability in the environment and society, as well as the mines and their products. Alongside the completion of mining operations, we ensure parallel reclamation and rehabilitation of the wider area surrounding the Kassandra Mines, and its prompt return to the local community. 

Find out more about the Mining Life Cycle
01. Geological surveys

Geological surveys

Geological surveys involve complex  procedures conducted in phases over time, including geochemical, geophysical and drilling operations.  

02. Development and planning

Development and planning

The identification of deposits does not always lead to production, since determining whether to execute a prospective investment requires in-depth research and analysis.  

03. Construction


Once a mining project obtains the required permits, the capital and the support of the stakeholders, construction can begin. 

04. Production


Production includes extracting and enriching minerals, transporting products for sale and managing left-over materials.  

Mining Life Cycle
05. Closure and reclamation

Closure and reclamation

Parallel reclamation, i.e. rehabilitating land alongside mining activities, is a crucial element of the planning phase and the mining operations.  


Healthy environments

At Hellas Gold, we protect the ecosystem surrounding our sites by integrating the latest technologies and best practices of our sector. We prioritize the protection and conservation of nature while ensuring sustainability for our mining operations and the local communities. 

Find out more about the Environment


Focused on our people’s well-being

At Hellas Gold, we focus on the protection of our people. Protecting the health and safety of our people is a first priority and a cornerstone of our business conduct and philosophy. To this end, we have designed the Health and Safety Management System, in conformance with the highest international standards. 

Find out more about Health & Safety


Creating value for host communities

At Hellas Gold, we value the power of maintaining open and transparent communication with all stakeholders throughout the mining operations. Together with our social partners, we build projects that create significant value for host communities. 

Find out more about Society & the Economy


Building our joint future

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the core of our business and allows us to create long-term value for our stakeholders. Guided by the needs of our host communities, we develop corporate social responsibility initiatives with long-term benefits that help resolve social issues and address the expectations of community members. 

Find out more about CSR


We strengthen the local economy

We support the local contractors and suppliers who are an integral part of the Municipality of Aristotle and we trust their expertise and valuable experience. We integrate impartial and fair policies and practices, and build strong relationships with the community and the local businesses to enhance income for the local suppliers and contractors. 

Find out more about Working with Suppliers