Health and Safety


Focused on our people’s health and safety

Protecting our people’s health, safety and well-being is a priority at Hellas Gold. A mentally and physically healthy and safe workplace is at the core of our commitments and a cornerstone of our business conduct and operating philosophy. This extends across all aspects of our operations, not only to our construction sites but also the daily works at the Kassandra Mines. Our employees’ health and safety are the most important principles at our workplaces and the biggest challenge for our effective operation and growth.


We create safe workplaces

Our Health and Safety Department works with all other involved departments to assess all operations risks, both main and supportive or administrative, that are likely to impact occupational health and safety. Our focus on health and safety also pertains to the operations of the contractors and the visitors at our sites, as well as the materials, the equipment and the services. 

The Company’s Health and Safety Policy and our administration comply with, and are updated in conformance with, the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Similarly, we follow the ISO 39001-certified Road Safety Management System. 

The Occupational Health and Safety Policy and the Road Safety Management Policy:

Outline the values and commitments of the company

Outline the values and commitments of the company

for a healthy and safe workplace.  



with the respective European standards and are subject to annual reviews and updates.  

Can encourage initiatives

Can encourage initiatives

beyond legal compliance or the requirements specified by the Regulation on Mining and Quarrying Operations. 


We follow the high international standards for our industry.

We have designed a Health and Safety System which follows the high international standards. This system outlines the procedures and policies of our company for:

  • improving working conditions
  • reducing workplace incidents and occupational diseases
  • encouraging and promoting an approach for preventing occupational risks

All operations are carried out according to Workplace Procedures and Instructions that meet the requirements for Occupational Health and Safety. In case of upcoming changes in our operations, we identify potential risks and we produce reviewed Occupational Risk Assessment Studies.

For each identified risk, we examine and record all potential impacts on our employees and the requirements arising from the law, the decisions of state authorities, and our corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy.