Employee / Contractor Reporting


We listen to our people

Hellas Gold has introduced a Grievance Handling policy which outlines the principles and the procedures behind an efficient and effective employee Grievance Mechanism that meets the requirements of the company and the stakeholders. 

The Grievance Mechanism aims to promote and establish a workplace where all persons will be treated with respect and professional behaviour in line with the Company’s Human Rights Policy, the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, the Global Respectful Workplace Policy and the Policy against Violence and Harassment (Law 4808/2021).  


What we do after receiving your grievance

We receive 

We receive 

the Grievance and acknowledge receipt. 

We investigate

We investigate

the Grievance by collecting all necessary details.  

We respond

We respond

to the sender of the Grievance (applies to named reports only) and we provide an update on the results of the investigations. 


  • Online grievance form


All fields are optional. If you wish to make your grievance anonymously, please leave the First Name and Last Name fields empty.  

Please give a detailed description of the incident or complaint: What happened? When did it happen? Where? Why? Who was involved? To whom did it happen? What type of problem did the incident cause? What are the consequences/impacts on the person reporting the incident?  


    I hereby declare that I have received and understood the following information: (a) For the purposes of the “Grievance Mechanism”, the company “Hellas Gold S.A.” (“the Company”) processes the personal data I have entered in this document (such as: first name, last name, age, sex, contact details, address etc.), and any other information required for handling the Grievance I have raised; (b) The processing of my personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company (Art. 6, para. 1, point f of the GDPR), namely the establishment and maintenance of a healthy workplace; (c) My personal data are not transferred to third parties, unless such transfer is necessary for the handling of my Report; (d) My personal data will be deleted once the investigations on my Report are closed and my complaints/grievances are resolved. My personal data will be retained for an extended period if they are necessary for establishing, exercising or defending a legal claim; (e) Per the Company’s Policies, I can exercise my rights to access, rectify, erase, restrict and object to the processing of my personal data by contacting the following email address: privacy@gr.eldoradogold.com. Exercising my right to object is likely to impair or render impossible the handling of my Report; (f) If I think that the Company does not respond (appropriately) to my inquiry and/or that the processing of my data violates current regulations, I reserve the right to lodge a complaint with my national Data Protection Authority.

  • By email / post:

    You can download the form here. Please fill in the form and send it by email to GR-Grievances@eldoradogold.com or by post to:

    c/o Corporate Social Responsibility department, Hellas Gold, Stratoni, Halkidiki 63082, Greece.

  • Over the phone:

    At 23760 25180 (internal 2180).

  • By using the complaint boxes placed at the central gates/entrances of our mine facilities:

    Reporting forms are also available at the entrances of our mine facilities in Stratoni - Olympias - Skouries and Madem Lakkos. Complete a printed form and insert it in one of the complaint boxes. Submitted forms are collected by the Corporate Social Responsibility department.