Notice of Processing of Applicants' Personal Data


Notice of Processing of Applicants' Personal Data

The company "HELLAS GOLD Single Member S.A." [23A Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, GR-10674, tel. +30 214 687000, (hereinafter "the Company")] collects and further processes personal data for the purpose of staff selection - filling job positions.

The staff selection process is primarily conducted through the "Workable" platform, where detailed information regarding the processing of personal data of job applicants can be found (

In some cases, the Company may collect résumés, which applicants send electronically or submit in printed form on their own initiative, for future evaluation in case a position relevant to their qualifications needs to be filled.   In these cases, the processing of personal data is carried out as described below in this Notice:

  1. Data Controller

The Company is the Data Controller for any processing conducted:

  1. During the collection of résumés,
  2. During the conduct of interviews,
  3. During the final evaluation of job applications.


  1. Contact for Personal Data Issues

To exercise the rights provided by law (see section 7 below), to raise questions, or for any other reason related to the processing of personal data described in this Notice, you can use the email address:


  1. What Personal Data is Processed

During the selection process, the following personal data is processed:

  • Collection and Evaluation of Résumés

At the stage of collecting and initially evaluating résumés, we process the following personal data:

  1. Full name,
  2. Father’s name,
  3. Email address,
  4. Information about your education,
  5. Information about your professional experience,
  6. Any other personal data included in your résumé.
  • Interviews

In addition to the above, during the interview stage, we process:

  1. Detailed information about your education, professional experience, and other skills,
  2. Data you voluntarily disclose during the interview,
  3. Where applicable, data derived from skill assessment tests
  • Final evaluation

During the final evaluation of job applications, we process all the information included in your résumé, collected during the interview, as well as the following data:

  1. Data that may be included in recommendation letters,
  2. Data included in documents you provide to prove the qualifications and skills described in your résumé.


  1. Purpose and Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data

The purpose of the processing activities is the selection of employees for staffing the Company - filling job positions.

The legal basis for processing personal data is taking steps at the request of the data subjects prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1)(b)(b) GDPR).  Special categories of personal data are processed only to assess fitness for work (Article 9(2)(h) GDPR), or when disclosed voluntarily by the applicants themselves (Article 9(2)(e) GDPR).


  1. Retention Period for Personal Data

Your personal data will be retained for six (6) months from the date it was provided to us and will be deleted - destroyed after that period. If you wish your personal data to be retained for a longer period, please explicitly state this when submitting your résumé.  Note that under no circumstances will we retain your personal data for more than two (2) years.


  1. Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data is processed by the Company’s authorised personnel.

Additionally, your personal data becomes accessible:

  1. To the website hosting service provider (if you submit your résumé through the website),
  2. To the human resources management software provider.

These providers have provided guarantees that they implement measures to protect your personal data.

Finally, depending on the nature of the position you are interested in, your personal data may be disclosed to other companies within the "Eldorado" Group, within or outside the EEA (to countries for which an Adequacy Decision has been issued by the European Commission).


  1. Rights

You can exercise the following rights by sending a related request to email address mentioned above (in section 2) :

  1. Right of Access:  You can request information about the processing of data and copies of the data we hold.
  2. Right to Rectification: You can request corrections of errors, inaccuracies, and omissions in the data.
  3. Right to Erasure:  Under certain conditions provided by data protection laws, you can request the deletion of your data.
  4. Right to Restriction of Processing:  You can ask us to restrict the processing of personal data if its accuracy is disputed or if the data is no longer needed for the original purpose but cannot yet be deleted for legal reasons.
  5. Right to Data Portability:  You can ask us to transfer your data to another entity or for us to send it directly to you.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your request or believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of the applicable regulatory framework, you have the right to file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (postal address: 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, GR-11523, Athens, tel.: +30 210 6475600, email: