Regulatory Compliance


High corporate governance standards

At Hellas Gold, we believe that maintaining high corporate governance standards is necessary for inspiring trust among our stakeholders and ensuring long-term value for our business and sustainable development. 

As part of our dedication to transparency and accountability, we fully incorporate into our operations the regulatory framework as outlined by law. We have also established a robust set of codes and policies that guide our decision-making procedures.  


Code of Ethics & Business Conduct

Our Code of Ethics & Business Conduct prioritizes ethics and integrity in our business operations. It highlights the importance of personal responsibility and the integration of these values into our daily operations. It fosters open communication and encourages reporting any incidents without fear of repercussions. We are committed to providing safe workplaces with a zero-tolerance policy on discrimination and harassment. Our goal is to create a culture of integrity across the entire organization. Each of us has an important role to play in maintaining high ethical and professional conduct standards. 

Download the Code of Ethics & Business Conduct PDF


Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy of Hellas Gold reflects ourits dedication to honesty, integrity and transparency. Specifically, the Policy establishes guidelines for the prevention of bribery, corruption and unethical practices, such as improper or illegal payments and behaviours that interfere with decision-making. The Policy focuses on strict book-keeping, makes provision for the annual training of the senior management and the employees on the Policy, and encourages them to report any violations via the grievance mechanism. 

Download the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy PDF


Supplier Code of Conduct

Eldorado Gold has established a comprehensive Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that its suppliers comply with business ethics, sustainable development and corporate sustainability standards. The code includes guidelines on several areas, such as legal compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, privacy and data protection, employment and the environment. 

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct PDF


Respectful Workplace Policy

Eldorado Gold has adopted a Respectful Workplace Policy for the entire Group to promote safe workplaces for all stakeholders. Together with the Policy against Violence and Harassment which is integrated by Hellas Gold at a local level, the Respectful Workplace Policy prohibits all forms of harassment, discrimination and violence atin the workplace. Our goal is to raise awareness and provide knowledge and training on these topics to foster a culture of respect. The company adopts a zero-tolerance policy and encourages reporting such incidents via its internal mechanisms. We investigate complaints and grievances confidentially and fairly.

Download the Global Respectful Workplace Policy PDF


Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of Hellas Gold outlines how data is collected and processed on its website. The company acts as a data controller and ensures compliance with the privacy legislation. 

Read our Privacy Policy



The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics summarizes the legal, ethical and regulatory standards that we follow. Compliance with the Code and high standards of business conduct is mandatory for every Company Representative. 

As part of the code, we have a whistleblower policy so that any director, officer or employee can confidentially report any concerns about our financial statements, accounting practices, internal controls, or any suspected or known illegal behavior that violates laws, government regulations or our code. 

Learn more about our Whistleblower Reporting System WEBPAGE