ISO Certifications


Commitment to responsible practices

The ISO quality assurance standards are management systems that provide a systematic approach to addressing environmental, social and economic topics associated with our operations.  

ISO certifications help us identify measurable targets, duties and responsibilities, deviations, procedures and corrective actions, leading to ongoing improvement across all aspects of the organization. They also help us manage risks and identify opportunities for development. The commitment of Hellas Gold to structured approach and responsible mining, demonstrates our dedication to sustainable development and governance. 

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System

The Quality Control Laboratory at Hellas Gold is certified to ISO 9001:2015 for effective quality management and procedure traceability. This high-tech analysis unit is crucial to our operations. It conducts daily checks on samples produced at the underground mines and the enrichment plant ensuring that strict quality standards are met across the entire production cycle. The laboratory also conducts analyses on samples collected as part of the environmental monitoring program. 

ISO 45001 - Health and Safety Management System

ISO 45001 - Health and Safety Management System

Hellas Gold is certified to ISO 45001. In conformance with this standard and our personal ethics, we aspire to provide safe and healthy workplaces for all employees, contractors and stakeholders. We use stringent policies, procedures and controls to identify and mitigate risks and eliminate accidents, injuries and occupational diseases. We prioritize training and education, conduct regular safety drills, promote open communication and encourage active participation in addressing safety issues. As a certified mining company, we remain alert and continuously improve our performance on health and safety issues, going beyond regulatory requirements. 

ISO 39001 - Road Safety Management System

ISO 39001 - Road Safety Management System

Hellas Gold is certified to ISO 39001. Vehicles are integral to our workplaces and we therefore focus on protecting our employees and all members of our host communities. By following this road safety management system we help reduce and eliminate accidents, loss of property and fatal or non-fatal injuries. We achieve this by implementing defensive and ecological driving principles, promoting best safe-driving practices, following preventive maintenance procedures for all vehicles, using environmentally friendly fuel and lubricants, and complying with the current laws and regulation on safe driving. 

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System

Hellas Gold focuses on reducing environmental impacts, protecting biodiversity and responsibly managing natural resources. The ISO 14001 standard certifies that we strive to protect our natural resources across all aspects of our operations, from exploration through to mining, processing and restoration. To achieve this, we use advanced technologies and innovative methods while monitoring and evaluating our environmental performance with advanced systems and regular checks and inspections, to identify areas that may require further improvement. 

ISO 50001 - Energy Management System

ISO 50001 - Energy Management System

Hellas Gold is certified to ISO 50001. This certification helps us optimize energy performance at our facilities, minimize our carbon footprint and reduce costs. As part of this comprehensive energy management system, we launch energy saving initiatives, we set measurable energy goals and we monitor our performance towards a more sustainable future. 

ISO 14064 - GHG Emissions Management System

ISO 14064 - GHG Emissions Management System

Hellas Gold holds annual ISO 14064 verification certifications reflecting our commitment to transparent and accurate carbon footprint reporting. We follow this standard to monitor, collect and analyze data and systematically manage GHG emissions from all major emission sources and operations. This way, we identify opportunities to reduce emissions, improve energy performance and implement sustainable practices, while actively helping global efforts to address climate change and build a low GHG emissions future.